Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Interested in open board positions? Contact us!


ExEcutive board members


President Jennifer Morgan president.maddenpto@gmail.com
Vice President Melissa Krueger vicepresident.maddenpto@gmail.com
Secretary Johnny DeJesus  secretary.maddenpto@gmail.com  
Treasurer Brent McRoberts  madden.treasurer@gmail.com 
Membership  Priya Thakker membership.maddenpto@gmail.com 
Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Coordinator  Tiffany Tran madden.volunteers@gmail.com 
Media Coordinator Saleema Ali maddenelementarypto@gmail.com 
Parliamentarian   parliamentarian.maddenpto@gmail.com 




Teacher Appreciation Tricia Ruscio teacherappreciation.maddenpto@gmail.com 
Room Parent Coordinator Ayesha Sahigara  roomparentcoordinator.maddenpto@gmail.com 
Yearbook Rebecca Miller madden.yearbook@gmail.com 
Learning Garden Lauren Allaire & Nicole Shen learninggarden.maddenpto@gmail.com 
Fundraising Saanvi Patel fundraiser.maddenpto@gmail.com 
Spirit Wear Sandy Shirodkar spirit.maddenpto@gmail.com 
Technology Coordinator Kate O'Briant tech.maddenpto@gmail.com 



PTO Leadership Roles - Role Descriptions

These documents describe the expectations of the ongoing leadership roles in the PTO. Each description includes information about that role's responsibilities and basic timeline of key activities.


Remember!  Chairperson roles are intended to provide leadership and a central point of contact for committee activities. Committee Chairs are strongly encouraged to recruit volunteers to assist with committee duties.




Vice President








Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Coordinator




Media Chair


Fundraising Chair


Learning Garden Chair


Room Parent Coordinators


Spirit Wear Chair


Teacher Appreciation Chair


Yearbook Chair